Validating PODs

PODs(physical nodes) are deployed everynight using Jenkins Build System. After a successful installation of the POD, test jobs are triggered which validate the following categories of tests

  • Post Installation Verification

  • Functional Tests

Post Installation Tests

These tests perform the following validations

  • Required services are running
  • All deployments are successfully rolled out and matches replicas to available replicas
  • All pods are running
  • Pods have external connectivity
  • Pods can ping the kube-system namespace
  • Nodes are healthy (checking “ready”, “outofdisk”, “memorypressure”, “diskpressure”)
  • Required containers are in running state

To execute the test, perform the following from the client machine

cd cord-tester/src/test/diag
robot SanityK8Pod.robot

Functional Tests

Control tests can be executed on the POD once the sanity checks are successful.

Executing Control Plane Tests

To validate the end-end functionality checks on the RCORD Lite APIs, the following control plane test can be executed.

  • Edit the attributes shown below in the properties file
$ cd  cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Properties
$ cat

SERVER_IP = 'localhost'
SERVER_PORT = '9101'
USER = ''
  • To run the tests
cd cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/
robot VOLTDevice_Test.txt
robot RCORDLite_E2ETest.txt

Data Plane Tests

Data plane tests include validations of both top-down and zero-touch approaches as well as workflow validations. Follow the guide above to edit the properties file before running the tests.

Validating top-down and zero-touch approaches

Subscriber_StatusChecks.txt validates subscriber status and end-to-end ping. Execute the following commands to run the test.

cd cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/
robot -v init_state:disabled -v INITIAL_STATUS:FAIL -v ENABLE_STATUS:PASS -e zerotouch Subscriber_StatusChecks.txt

Remember to change the values (ip, gateway, username, password, etc.) in the Variables section of the script to point the test to the source and destination hosts in your environment before running it.

Similarly, run the follownig commands to validate zero-touch approach. Note that the arguments passed to the test script are different from the top-down approach.

cd cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/
robot -v init_state:awaiting-auth -v INITIAL_STATUS:FAIL -v ENABLE_STATUS:FAIL -v MACIP_STATUS:PASS Subscriber_StatusChecks.txt

Validating AT&T workflow

Test scripts and input data for validating AT&T workflow are under cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/WorkflowValidations. The same test script e.g. ATT_Test001.robot works with different POD setups. Instead of hardcoding the POD specific variables in the test script, it relies on a separated configuration file which describes POD setup. To create a configuration file for your POD please take a look at this example.

Input data are stored under cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/WorkflowValidations/data/. Please create a new folder with the name of your POD and copy and data files from e.g. flex-pod1-olt folder and edit them with the correct values on your POD.

Also make sure that the variables in the test script (e.g. ATT_Test001.robot) are correct. Specifically, verify that ${POD_NAME} is the same as the folder name you created above, and ${KUBERNETES_CONF} is pointing to your Kubernetes configuration file.

After updating all these POD specific values, execute the following commands to trigger the test

cd cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/WorkflowValidations

Each scenario in ATT_Test001.robot is associated with Tags field, using which we can run a single scenario from the testcase as well. To execute a single scenario for the test

cd cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/WorkflowValidations
robot -i test1 -V PATH_TO_YOUR_POD_CONFIGURATION_FILE ATT_Test001.robot

Note that PATH_TO_YOUR_POD_CONFIGURATION_FILE should point to the yaml file that describes your POD setup (see above).

Seba-in-a-Box Tests

Test scripts and input data for validating Seba-in-a-Box tests based on the ATT-Workflow profile are under cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/Tests/WorkflowValidations/. Test file:SIAB.robot Data files reside in the:data/ directory.

These tests have the same test scenarios as the Physical Pod tests, however they are scripted differently as the system of a virtual seba deployment (Seba-in-a-Box) is vastly different from the physical pod. To execute these tests after successfully installing "Seba-in-a-Box", execute the following commands:

cd cord-tester/src/test/cord-api/
cd Tests/WorkflowValidations/ && robot -x notready SIAB.robot

results matching ""

    No results matching ""