Building Docker Images

The current CORD implementation consists of many interrelated Docker images. Making sure that the images used in a deployment are consistent with the source tree on disk is a challenge and required a tool, imagebuilder, to be developed to perform image rebuilds in a consistent and efficient manner.

Imagebuilder is currently used for XOS and ONOS images, but not MaaS images.

While imagebuilder will pull down required images from DockerHub and build/tag images, it does not push those images or delete obsolete ones. These tasks are left to other software (Ansible, Jenkins) which should take in imagebuilder's YAML output and take the appropriate actions.

Obtaining and rebuilding images

For the normal build process, you won't need to manually download images as the docker-images make target that runs imagebuilder will automatically be run as a part of the build process.

If you do need to rebuild images, there is a make clean-images target that will force imagebuilder to be run again and images to be moved into place.

Debugging imagebuilder

If you get a different error or think that imagebuilder isn't working correctly, please rerun it with the -vv ("very verbose") option, read through the output carefully, and then post about the issue on the mailing list or Slack.

If an image is not found on Dockerhub, you may see a 404 error like the following in the logs. If this happens, imagebuilder will attempt to build the image from scratch rather than pulling it:

NotFound: 404 Client Error: Not Found ("{"message":"manifest for xosproject/xos-gui-extension-builder:<hash> not found"}")

Run -h for a list of other supported arguments.

How Imagebuilder works

The imagebuilder program performs the following steps when run:

  1. Reads the repo manifest file (checked out as .repo/manifest) to get a list of the CORD git repositories.

  2. Reads the build/docker_images.yml file and the generated cord/build/genconfig/config.yml file (which contains a docker_image_whitelist list from the scenario), to determine which containers are needed for this POD configuration.

  3. For every container that is needed, reads the Dockerfile and determines if any parent images are needed, and creates a tree to order image building.

  4. Determines which images need to be rebuilt based on:

    • Whether the image exists and is has current tags added to it.
    • If the Docker build context is dirty or differs (is on a different branch) from the git tag specified in the repo manifest
    • If the image's parent (or grandparent, etc.) needs to be rebuilt
  5. Using this information downloads (pulls) or builds images as needed in a way that is consistent with the CORD source that is on disk. If an image build is needed, the Docker output of that build is saved to build/image_logs on the system where Imagebuilder executes (the buildhost in inventory).

  6. Tags the image with the candidate and (if clean) git hash tags.

  7. Creates a YAML output file that describes the work it performed, for later use (pushing images, retagging, etc.), and optional a graphviz .dot graph file showing the relationships between images.

Image Tagging

CORD container images frequently have multiple tags. The two most common ones are:

  • The string candidate, which says that the container is ready to be deployed on a CORD POD
  • The git commit hash, which is either pulled from DockerHub, or applied when a container is built from an untouched (according to git) source tree. Images built from a modified source tree will not be tagged in this way.

Imagebuilder use this git hash tag as well as labels on the image of the git repos of parent images to determine whether an image is correctly built from the checked out source tree.

Image labels

Imagebuilder uses a Docker label scheme to determine whether an image needs to be rebuilt, which is added to the image when it is built. Docker images used in CORD must apply labels in their Dockerfiles which are specified by - see there for examples, and below for a few notes that clear up the ambiguity within that spec.

Required labels for every CORD image:

  • org.label-schema.version
  • org.label-schema.vcs-url

Required for clean builds:

  • org.label-schema.version : git branch name, ex: opencord/master, opencord/cord-4.0, , etc.
  • org.label-schema.vcs-ref : the full 40 character SHA-1 git commit hash, not shortened

Required for dirty builds:

  • org.label-schema.version : set to the string dirty if there is any differences from the master commit to the build context (either on a different branch, or untracked/changed files in context)
  • org.label-schema.vcs-ref - set to a commit hash if build context is clean (ie, on another unnamed branch/patchset), or the empty string if the build context contains untracked/changed files.

For images that use components from another repo (like chameleon being integrated with the XOS containers, or maven repo which contains artifacts from multiple onos-apps repos), the following labels should be set for every sub-component, with the repo name (same as replacing <reponame>, and the value being the same value as the label-schema one would be:

  • org.opencord.component.<reponame>.version
  • org.opencord.component.<reponame>.vcs-ref
  • org.opencord.component.<reponame>.vcs-url

These labels are applied by using the ARG and LABEL option in the Dockerfile. The following is an example set of labels for an image that uses files from the chameleon and XOS repositories as components:

# Label image
ARG org_label_schema_schema_version=1.0
ARG org_label_schema_name=openstack-synchronizer
ARG org_label_schema_version=unknown
ARG org_label_schema_vcs_url=unknown
ARG org_label_schema_vcs_ref=unknown
ARG org_label_schema_build_date=unknown
ARG org_opencord_vcs_commit_date=unknown
ARG org_opencord_component_chameleon_version=unknown
ARG org_opencord_component_chameleon_vcs_url=unknown
ARG org_opencord_component_chameleon_vcs_ref=unknown
ARG org_opencord_component_xos_version=unknown
ARG org_opencord_component_xos_vcs_url=unknown
ARG org_opencord_component_xos_vcs_ref=unknown

LABEL org.label-schema.schema-version=$org_label_schema_schema_version \$org_label_schema_name \
      org.label-schema.version=$org_label_schema_version \
      org.label-schema.vcs-url=$org_label_schema_vcs_url \
      org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$org_label_schema_vcs_ref \$org_label_schema_build_date \
      org.opencord.vcs-commit-date=$org_opencord_vcs_commit_date \
      org.opencord.component.chameleon.version=$org_opencord_component_chameleon_version \
      org.opencord.component.chameleon.vcs-url=$org_opencord_component_chameleon_vcs_url \
      org.opencord.component.chameleon.vcs-ref=$org_opencord_component_chameleon_vcs_ref \
      org.opencord.component.xos.version=$org_opencord_component_xos_version \
      org.opencord.component.xos.vcs-url=$org_opencord_component_xos_vcs_url \

Labels on a built image can be seen by running docker inspect <image name or id>

Adding a new Docker image to CORD

There are a few cases when an image would be needed to be added to CORD during the development process.

Adding an image developed outside of CORD

There are cases where a 3rd party image developed outside of CORD may be needed. This is the case with ONOS, Redis, and a few other pieces of software that are already containerized, and we deploy as-is (or with minor modifications).

To do this, add the full name of the image, including a version tag, to the pull_only_images list in the docker_images.yml file, and to docker_image_whitelist list in the scenarios/<scenario name>/config.yml file.

These images will be retagged with a candidate tag after being pulled.

Adding a synchronizer image

Adding a synchronizer image is usually as simple as adding it to the buildable_images list in the docker_images.yml file (see that file for the ), then making sure the image name is listed in the docker_image_whitelist list in the scenarios/<scenario name>/config.yml file.

If you are adding a new service that is not in the repo manifest yet, you may have to your service's directory to the .repo/manifest.xml file and then list it in build/docker_images.yml, so it will then build the synchronizer image locally.

Adding other CORD images

If you want imagebuilder to build an image from a Dockerfile somewhere in the CORD source tree, you need to add it to the buildable_images list in the docker_images.yml file (see that file for the specific format), then making sure the image name is listed in the docker_image_whitelist list in the scenarios/<scenario name>/config.yml file.

Note that you don't need to add external parent images to the pull_only_images in this manner - those are determined by the FROM line in Dockerfile

Automating image builds

There is a Jenkinsfile.imagebuilder that can be run in a Jenkins instance and will build and push images to DockerHub. This is how the CORD team pre-builds and publishes images for public use.

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