Installation Guide

The following describes how to install and configure an M-CORD physical POD.

Hardware Requirements

Beside the ones listed for a “traditional” CORD POD. M-CORD 5.0 by default uses UE and standalone eNodeB hardware.

Warning: The NGIC requires a compute node with Intel XEON CPU with Haswell microarchitecture or better. Note that 4.1 recommends at least Westmere microarchitecture but 5.0 highly recommend to use at least Haswell microarchitecture.

M-CORD POD Installation

To install the local node you should follow the steps described in the main physical POD installation.

When it’s time to write your pod configuration, use the physical-example.yml file as a template. Either modify it or make a copy of it in the same directory. Fill in the configuration with your own head node data.

As cord_scenario, use cord.

As cord_profile, use mcord-cavium.

Warning: After you’ve finished the basic installation, configure the fabric and your computes, as described here.

Create an EPC instance

The EPC is the only component that needs to be manually configured, after the fabric gets properly setup. An EPC instance can be created inside XOS-UI.

Create an EPC instance using the XOS-UI

Open in your browser the XOS UI : http://<your head node>/xos

  • Log in
  • From the left panel, select vEPC
  • Click on Virtual Evolved Packet Core ServiceInstances
  • On the top right, press Add
  • Set blueprint to MCORD 5.0
  • ......
  • Press Save

Verify a Successful Installation

To verify if the installation was successful, ssh into the head node and follow these steps:

Verify that the service synchronizers are running. Use the docker ps command on head node, you should be able to see the following M-CORD synchronizers:

  • mcordcavium_vspgwc-synchronizer_1
  • mcordcavium_vspgwu-synchronizer_1
  • mcordcavium_hssdb-synchronizer_1
  • mcordcavium_vhss-synchronizer_1
  • mcordcavium_vmme-synchronizer_1
  • mcordcavium_internetemulator-synchronizer_1
  • mcordcavium_vepc-synchronizer_1

Check that the ServiceInstances are running on the head node. Run these commands on the head node:

source /opt/cord_profile/
nova list --all-tenants

You should see three VMs like this:

| ID                                   | Name                      | Status  | Task State | Power State | Networks                                                                                                                            |
| c9dc354f-e1b4-4900-9ccb-3d77dd4bdf45 | mysite_hssdb-12           | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | management=; db_network=                                                                                         |
| 82200b77-37d6-4fea-b98e-89f74646a90d | mysite_internetemulator-7 | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | sgi_network=; management=                                                                                        |
| 6b92f216-89b2-4e7e-8b49-277f1e92e448 | mysite_vhss-13            | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | s6a_network=; management=; db_network=                                                                 |
| 1710892c-d5c5-4d65-9d7e-5b1aae435831 | mysite_vmme-15            | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | s6a_network=; flat_network_s1mme=; management=; s11_network=; flat_network_s1mme_p4= |
| 2e2c21d9-1e66-4425-b0ef-da90a204b7d5 | mysite_vspgwc-8           | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | management=; spgw_network=; s11_network=                                                               |
| 70ebeb85-13c9-474d-97d0-ec40ad621281 | mysite_vspgwu-10          | ACTIVE  | -          | Running     | management=; sgi_network=; spgw_network=; flat_network_s1u=                                   |

Note: It may take a few minutes to provision the instances. If you don’t see them immediately, try again after some time.

Check that the service synchronizers have run successfully:

  • Log into the XOS GUI on the head node
  • In left panel, click on each item listed below and verify that there is a check mark sign under “backend status”
    • Vspgwc, the Virtual Serving PDN Gateway -- Control Plane Service Instances
    • Vspgwu, the Virtual Serving Gateway User Plane Service Instances
    • Hssdb, the HSS Database ServiceInstances
    • Vhss, the Virtual Home Subscriber Server Tenants
    • Vmme, the Virtual Mobility Management Entity Service Instances
    • Internetemulator, the Internet Emulator Service Instances

NOTE: It may take a few minutes to run the synchronizers. If you don’t see a check mark immediately, try again after some time.

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