How to use the Controlkube scenario

The Controlkube scenario is a new scenario in CORD 5.0 created specifically for a kubernetes deployment. It currently, only works on Linux hosts.

It creates a three VM virtual cluster with Ubuntu 16.04 deployed and the latest version kubernetes (1.9.x as of this writing) installed using Kubespray. We also install Helm that serves as kubernetes application package manager and installer. This consists of two components. The first component is "Tiller", a server component running in kubernetes and keeping track of Helm installs. The second component is the Helm command line client (called “helm”) that is installed on the host running the VMs. The Kubernetes client application kubectl is also installed on the host running the VMs.

The CORD platform team is standardizing on Helm as the official tool to deploy all platform artifacts (XOS, ONOS, R-CORD, M-CORD, E-CORD, VOLTHA). But if you, as the user, are comfortable using kubectl to manage your deployments, you are welcome to do so.

You should run the following commands on a clean Linux machine in the home directory to install this scenario:

# Pull down script and start a tmux session
curl -o ~/ \{{ book.branch }}/scripts/
chmod +x
# Install CORD with kubernetes and XOS Helm chart (this is a single command wordwrapped)
time bash ./ -v -x -t "PODCONFIG=rcord-controlkube.yml config" \
-t "build" |& tee -a ~/setup.log

Once this command finishes successfully, you will find the XOS Core helm chart running. You can verify this by running the following command.

helm ls

This will list all the the helm charts running in Kubernetes currently. The XOS Core Helm chart has been integrated into the platform-install project as an ansible playbook (~/cord/build/platform-install/roles/cord-helm-charts). This role renders the helm chart before deploying it. If you would like to see what a typical helm chart would look like, please check out helm chart examples on github:

There are also several tutorials on the web explaining Helm chart development. Here is one we found useful:

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