GUI Quickstart

NOTE: We assume that you already have the CORD source downloaded with repo

Setting up a podconfig

For front-end development, using a podconfig with your choice of CORD flavors and the mock or local scenario is sufficient. mock will create a vagrant VM running all the necessary containers, while local directly creates the containers on your machine, so we recommend using mock when developing on your own laptop/desktop.

Assuming you have already downloaded and ran the script, setup is easy:

cd ~/cord/build/
make PODCONFIG={CORD_FLAVOR}-mock.yml config
make build |& tee ~/build.out

Further details on the mock configuration and its setup can be found at Mock Configuration Workflow

Login credentials

After the mock profile finishes building, you can find the credentials necessary to login into XOS by running the following:

cat ~/cord/build/platform-install/credentials/
// save the output somewhere

Serving the GUI in development mode

Once your basic CORD config is up and running you should be able to access the GUI at

NOTE: This is not your development copy, it is the one deployed inside a container in XOS and will not change until the container is torn down and redeployed.

To launch a development copy:

// back to your local system
cd cord/orchestration/xos-gui
npm install
npm start

It will open your default browser at localhost:3000, proxy your API request to the local environment and watch for file changes.

Now you're ready to start working on it!

To get start, login using username and the password you previously saved, then pick any file and make a change, and you'll see the GUI reload.

Configuring the dev GUI

There are two configuration file available in the application, and they depend on the environment. You can find the various possibilities in conf/app, and they regard application constants, such as apiEndpoint, or branding elements, such as projectName.

To load a different configuration file you can use two environment variables:

  • PROXY: you can use this variable to send request to an arbitrary XOS installation (eg:

  • BRAND: to configure style constants (eg: cord, opencloud)

Working with an existing XOS installation

You can also specify a different installation of XOS as backend by using the PROXY environment variable. For example, you can connect to a remote CORD-in-a-box installation for debugging purposes with: npm start

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