Unit Testing
XOS supports automated unit tests using the nose2
unit testing framework.
Setting up a unit testing environment
To run unit tests, an environment needs to be setup with the appropriate python
libraries used by the unit testing framework and by the XOS libraries that are
being tested. One way to accomplish this is to setup a
virtual-env. You will also need to copy Chameleon from
to containers/xos/tmp.chameleon
. Here is a set of
commands that may prove useful:
brew install graphviz
pip install --install-option="--include-path=/usr/local/include/" --install-option="--library-path=/usr/local/lib/" pygraphviz
source scripts/setup_venv.sh
pip install nose2 mock
cp -R ../../component/chameleon containers/xos/tmp.chameleon
Running unit tests
To run unit tests, go to the root of the xos repository and run the following:
nose2 --verbose --exclude-ignored-files
Writing new unit tests
New test filename should start with the string test
. For example,
. If named properly, then nose2
will automatically pick
them up.
Ignoring unwanted unit tests
Some tests are still being migrated to the unit testing framework and/or
require features that may not be present in the virtual-env. Placing the string
anywhere in a python file will prevent it from being
executed automatically by the test framework.