Workflow: Local Scenario

The following describes a workflow for XOS core or GUI development using a local environment (e.g., a laptop) with the local 'scenario'. To learn more about the different POD config files, please refer to Building and Installing CORD.

The local scenario is suitable for working on (and verifying the correctness of):

  • core models
  • service models
  • gui

It runs in a set of local docker containers, and is the most lightweight of all CORD development environments.


The following assumes you have cloned the source code as described in: Getting the Source Code.

To deploy a local scenario on your machine, you'll also need to install Docker.

These steps may be able to be automated by running the script, with the -d option.

Initial Deployment

You can setup a local POD config on your machine as follows.

cd ~/cord/build
make PODCONFIG=rcord-local.yml config
make build

After the build completes, the XOS web GUI will be available at localhost:8080/xos

If you are using this on a remote node that uses Ubuntu as the base OS, you can deploy an Apache proxy and set /etc/hosts variables to allow it to proxy the connection remotely:

make local-ubuntu-dev-env

Example combining all of these using

bash ./ -d -t "PODCONFIG=rcord-local.yml config" -t "local-ubuntu-dev-env" -t "build"

Destroy and Rebuild XOS

This is the workflow that you'll need to follow if you want to start from a fresh XOS installation. Note that it wipes the out the XOS database.

cd ~/cord/build
make local-xos-teardown
make build

To repeat all the build milestones, use make clean-local.

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