Workflow: Mock/Single Scenario

The following describes a workflow for service or core development using a local environment (e.g., a laptop) with the rcord-mock or rcord-single profile. To learn more about the different scenarios you can refer to Building and Installing CORD.

The mock scenario is suitable for working on (and verifying the correctness of):

  • core models
  • service models
  • gui
  • profile configurations

The single scenario also runs the CORD synchronizer containers and can optionally run ONOS and ElasticStack, and may be suitable for working on:

  • synchronizer steps
  • Interaction between XOS's ONOS synchronizer and ONOS
  • Logging with ElasticStack


The following assumes you have cloned the source code as described in: Getting the Source Code.

To deploy a mock or a single scenario on your machine, you'll also need to install Vagrant.

These steps may be able to be automated by running the script.

Initial Deployment

You can setup a mock deployment on your machine as follows. If using single, replace rcord-mock.yml with rcord-single.yml:

cd ~/cord/build
make PODCONFIG=rcord-mock.yml config
make -j4 build

This setups a Vagrant VM, and once the install is complete, you can access:

  • the XOS GUI at
  • the Vagrant VM via ssh headnode

Configure Your Deployment

By default the libvirt provider is used to manage the Vagrant VM. If you prefer to use VirtualBox (this is the typical Mac OS case), you can invoke the build command as:

VAGRANT_PROVIDER=virtualbox make -j4 build

The VM that is created as part of this lightweight deployment is configured by default as:

Scenario Memory Cores
mock 2048 4
single 4096 8

This configuration is defined in ~/cord/build/scenarios/mock/config.yaml and ~/cord/build/scenarios/single/config.yaml. You can change those parameters to scale your development VM up or down accordingly to the available resources.

Development Loop

Note that the code is shared in the VM so that:

  • ~/cord is mounted on /opt/cord
  • ~/cord_profile is mounted on /opt/cord_profile
  • ~/cord/platform-install/credentials/ is mounted on ~/opt/credentials (only in the single scenario)

Update the Code Running in the Containers

cd ~/cord/build
make xos-update-images
make -j4 build

Destroy and Rebuild XOS

This is the workflow that you'll need to follow if you want to start from a fresh XOS installation. Note that it wipes the out the XOS database.

cd ~/cord/build
make xos-teardown
make -j4 build

Update the Profile Configuration

cd ~/cord/build
make clean-profile
make PODCONFIG=rcord-mock.yml config
make -j4 build

Use ElasticStack or ONOS with the single scenario

The single scenario is a medium-weight scenario for synchronizer development, and has optional ElasticStack or ONOS functionality.

To use these, you would invoke the ONOS or ElasticStack milestone target before the build target:

make PODCONFIG=rcord-single.yml config
make -j4 milestones/deploy-elasticstack
make -j4 build


make PODCONFIG=rcord-single.yml config
make -j4 milestones/deploy-onos
make -j4 build

If you want to use both in combination, make sure to run the ElasticStack target first, so ONOS can send it's logs to ElasticStack.

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