Developing Synchronizers Using the Local Scenario
It is sometimes possible to develop a synchronizer entirely within the local scenario. This results in a simple and efficient development loop. A synchronizer can be developed locally as long as:
- The VNF independently executes somewhere that you can connect to from your local machine.
- The VNF does not require OpenStack be deployed as part of the POD.
Note: The following assumes: (1) you have a local scenario up and running, with the service you are working on on-boarded; and (2) you obtained the source code as per Getting the Code.
Edit docker-compose File
A docker-compose.yml
file was generated during the build process,
and it is located in the cord_profile
directory that was also generated
(typically on the side of your root cord directory). For example, you
might find your compose file in ~/cord_profile/docker-compose.yml
Open it with you favorite editor and locate your service synchronizer.
You will need to add a command: sleep 86440
to prevent the
synchronizer from starting automatically and a volume mount to share
the synchronizer code with your filesystem.
The following is an example of a modified synchronizer block; only the meaningful fields have been reported:
image: xosproject/<servicename>-synchronizer:candidate
command: sleep 86400
- /home/user/cord_profile/xos_config_synchronizer.yaml:/opt/xos/xos_config.yaml:ro
- /home/user/cord_profile/node_key:/opt/cord_profile/node_key:ro
- /home/user/cord/build/platform-install/credentials:/opt/xos/services/<service>/credentials:ro
- /home/user/cord_profile/im_cert_chain.pem:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/local_certs.crt:ro
- /home/user/cord/orchestration/xos_services/<service>/xos/synchronizer:/opt/xos/synchronizers/<service>
The important bits are the sleep command and the last volume mount. Leave everything else untouched.
Development Loop
As a first step you will need to restart the local scenario to apply the
changes made in the docker-compose
file. To do this, use
native commands. From the cord_profile
directory execute:
docker-compose -p <profile-name> up -d
is the first part of any XOS container name, so you can easily discover it withdocker ps
At this point everything is up and running, except your synchronizer, which is sleeping. Connect to the docker container with:
docker exec -it <synchronizer-container> bash
You will find yourself in the synchronizer folder. To start the synchronizer,
simply call bash
NOTE: The filename can be different, and you can also directly start the python process.
From now on, you can just make changes to the code on your local filesystem and restart the process inside the container to see the changes.
Additional Notes
If the VNF is running on your machine and you need to connect to it, you can find the host IP address from inside a docker container using:
/sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3 }'
You can also easily have ONOS running on your local machine, and have your synchronizer talk to it to verify expected behavior.
The same exact workflow will apply to changes made to model policies,
but if you make changes to the xproto
model definition or to the _decl
model extension, you will have to rebuild the core container.
If the model changes are in the logic only (e.g., you are overriding the default save method), you can rebuild and restart the container as follows:
rm milestones/local-start-xos && rm milestones/local-core-image && make build
If you made model changes (e.g., added or remove a field), you need to teardown the database container and recreate it, so the command will be:
make xos-teardown && make build