ELK Stack Logs

CORD uses ELK Stack for logging information at all levels. CORD’s ELK Stack logger collects information from several components, including the XOS Core, API, and various Synchronizers. On a running POD, the logs can be accessed at http://<head-node>:8080/app/kibana.

There is also a second way of accessing low-level logs with additional verbosity that do not make it into ELK Stack. This involves accessing log messages in various containers directly. You may do so by running the following command on the head node.

docker logs < container-name

For most purposes, the logs in ELK Stack should contain enough information to diagnose problems. Furthermore, these logs thread together facts across multiple components by using the identifiers of XOS data model objects.


Before you can start using ELK stack, you must initialize its index. To do so:

1) Replace logstash-* with * in the text box marked "Index pattern."

2) Pick @timestamp as the "Time Filter Field Name."

Configuring the default logstash- index pattern will lead to HTTP errors in your browser. If you did this by accident, then delete it under Management -> Index Patterns, and create another pattern as described above.

More information about using Kibana to access ELK Stack logs is available elsewhere, but to illustrate how the logging system is used in CORD, consider the following example quieries.

The first example query enlists log messages in the implementation of a particular service synchronizer, in a given time range:

+synchronizer_name:vtr-synchronizer AND +@timestamp:[now-1h TO now]

A second query gets log messages that are linked to the Network data model across all services:

+model_name: Network

The same query can be refined to include the identifier of the specific Network object in question. You can obtain the object id from the object’s page in the XOS GUI.

+model_name: Network AND +pk:7

A final example lists log messages in a service synchronizer that contain Python exceptions, and will usually correspond to anomalous execution:

+synchronizer_name: vtr-synchronizer AND +exception

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