Configure OMEC Charts

This page contains lists of configuration options available with OMEC Helm charts. All available configuration options and their default values are specified in values.yaml file in each chart.

Configure omec-data-plane

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the omec-data-plane chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
images.tags Image repositories and tags.
images.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
nodeSelectors.enabled Enable or disable node selector. false
nodeSelectors.spgwu Node label to be used as nodeSelector of SPGWU pod. Valid only when nodeSelector.enabled is true. omec-dp
resources.enabled Enable or disable resource requests and limits. true
resources.spgwu CPU and Memory resource requests and limits for SPGWU pod. Memory: 8Gi, CPU: 4
config.sriov.enabled Whether to use SR-IOV VF as SPGWU data plane interface. true
config.sriov.resourceList Provide interfaces used as a SR-IOV PF. Valid only when config.sriov.enabled is true. true
config.sriov.resourceList.vfio.pfNames PF name with its VFs are bounded to vfio-pci driver. If your cluster has multiple nodes with different interface names, provide the whole list of the interfaces. eno1
config.sriov.resourceList.netDevice.pfNames PF name with its VFs are bounded to PF's driver. If your cluster has multiple nodes with different interface names, provide the whole list of the interfaces eno1
config.sriov.resourceList.netDevice.drivers Driver name of the netDevice. i40evf, ixgbevf
config.spgwu.s1u.device S1U network facing interface name inside the SPGWU pod. s1u-net
config.spgwu.s1u.ip IP address to be assigned to S1U network interface inside the SPGWU pod.
config.spgwu.sgi.device SGI network facing interface name inside the SPGWU pod. sgi-net
config.spgwu.sgi.ip IP address to be assigned to SGI network interface inside the SPGWU pod.
config.spgwu.cpComm.addr SPGWC address for CP-DP communication. spgwc-cp-comm
config.spgwu.cpComm.port SPGWC port for CP-DP communication. 21
config.spgwu.dpComm.nodePort.enabled Whether to expose nodePort for CP-DP comm. Set to true when deploying control plane and data plane to different clusters. false
config.spgwu.dpComm.nodePort.port Port number for CP-DP communication nodePort. Valid only when config.spgwu.dpComm.nodePort.enabled is true. 30020
config.spgwu.devices Extra EAL arguments to pass from ngic_dataplane. Set "--no-pci --vdev eth_af_packet0,iface=s1u-net --vdev eth_af_packet1,iface=sgi-net" when config.sriov.enabled is false. ""
networks.cniPlugin CNI plugin to attach SPGWU pod to S1U and SGI networks. vfioveth
networks.ipam IPAM plugin to assign IP addresses to S1U and SGI interfaces inside SPGWU pod. static
networks.s1u S1U network information. subnet:, mask:, gateway:
networks.sgi SGI network information. subnet:, mask:, gateway:

Configure omec-control-plane

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the omec-control-plane chart and their default values. omec-control-plane chart has dependency on Cassandra chart. See this page for Cassandra configuration options.

Parameter Description Default
images.tags Image repositories and tags.
images.pullPolicy Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
nodeSelectors.enabled Enable or disable node selector. false
nodeSelectors.hss Node label to be used as nodeSelector of HSS pod. Valid only when nodeSelector.enabled is true. omec-cp
nodeSelectors.mme Node label to be used as nodeSelector of MME pod. Valid only when nodeSelector.enabled is true. omec-cp
nodeSelectors.spgwc Node label to be used as nodeSelector of SPGWC pod. Valid only when nodeSelector.enabled is true. omec-cp
resources.enabled Enable or disable resource requests and limits. true
resources.hss CPU and Memory resource requests and limits for HSS pod. Memory: 1Gi, CPU: 2
resources.mme CPU and Memory resource requests and limits for MME pod. Memory: 1Gi, CPU: 0.5
resources.spgwc CPU and Memory resource requests and limits for SPGWC pod. Memory: 5Gi, CPU: 1
config.hss.hssdb HSSDB address. cassandra
config.hss.s6a.nodePort.enabled Whether to expose nodePort for s6a in hss side. false
config.hss.s6a.nodePort.port Port number for s6a nodePort. Valid only when config.hss.s6a.nodePort.port is true. 33868
config.hss.acl.oldTls Peer whitelist extension. The peer name must be a fqdn and a special "*" character as the first label of the fqdn. "*.cluster.local"
config.hss.bootstrap.enabled Add users and mme information to HSSDB during initialization. true
config.hss.bootstrap.users List of users to add to the HSSDB. IMSI, MSISDN, apn, key, and opc are required for each user.
config.hss.bootstrap.users List of mme to add to the HSSDB. ID, ISDN, and unreachability are required for each mme.
config.hss.cfgFiles List of HSS configuration files. See this page for C3PO HSS configuration options.
config.mme.spgwAddr SPGWC address. spgwc-s11
config.mme.s11.nodePort.enabled Whether to expose nodePort for s11 in mme side. false
config.mme.s11.nodePort.port Port number for s11 nodePort. Valid only when config.mme.s11.nodePort.enabled is true. 32124
config.mme.s6a.nodePort.enabled Whether to expose nodePort for s6a in mme side. false
config.mme.s6a.nodePort.port Port number for s6a nodePort. Valid only when config.mme.s6a.nodePort.enabled is true. 33869
config.mme.cfgFiles List of MME configuration files. See this page for MME configuration options.
config.spgwc.apn APN setting. apn1
config.spgwc.ueIpPool IP range to be assigned to UE. ip:, mask:
config.spgwc.s1uAddr S1U address of SPGWU. It must match to config.spgwu.s1u.ip in omec-data-plane chart.
config.spgwc.s11.nodePort.enabled Whether to expose nodePort for s11 in spgwc side. false
config.spgwc.s11.nodePort.port Port number for s11 nodePort. Valid only when config.spgwc.s11.nodePort.enabled is true. 32123
config.spgwc.dpComm.addr SPGWU address for CP-DP communication. spgwu-dp-comm
config.spgwc.dpComm.port SPGWU port for CP-DP communication. 20
config.spgwc.cpComm.nodePort.enabled Whether to expose nodePort for CP-DP comm. Set to true when deploying control plane and data plane to different clusters. false
config.spgwc.cpComm.nodePort.port Port number for CP-DP communication nodePort. Valid only when config.spgwc.cpComm.nodePort.enabled is true. 30021
config.spgwc.cfgFiles List of SPGWC configuration files. See this page for SPGWC configuration options.

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